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Girgit Studios partnered with Oasis Movement in creating a visual narrative to try and capture the essence of the organization and it philosophy.

Music by: Troy Vasanth

In almost last 3 decades now, Oasis has organically evolved as a MOVEMENT for Character Building. Individuals (young and adult) and Communities have thrived at Oasis in ways no words can describe. “Heart of Education is Education of Heart” is the core principle and now a key slogan of Oasis Movement.

This is a very profound, intense, fast animated story. Initially children are in the race track of marks, grade etc wearing masks, which means they are not themselves. Then some Oasis friends/facilitators with heart-heads, who are beneficiaries of Oasis themselves, invite them to Oasis. They do various activities there with a purpose to find themselves and gradually environment of love and friendship transforms them. Their masks start dropping and faces become heart-heads. Logo is formed from such hearts.

Oasis Movement


Oasis Movement

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